1/26/2024 | Channel 3000 | Goat Island Goats Pay a Visit to Jefferson Elementary Schoolers |
1/4/2024 | Daily Jefferson County Union | Name that kid: Friends of Goat Island to Hold Naming Contest |
1/5/2024 | Fort Atkinson Online | Jefferson Elementary School Students to Name Goat Island Kids |
8/5/2023 | Channel 3000 | Jefferson celebrates the goodness of goats |
8/4/2023 | Daily Jefferson County Union | Goat Fest 2023: A Spectacular Celebration of Music and Fun Coming to Jefferson, WI at Rotary Park on 8/5/23 |
8/4/2023 | Fort Atkinson Online | Jefferson’s ‘Goat Fest’ to be held Saturday |
6/28/2023 | Enjoy Jefferson County | Who let the Goats out? |
6/28/2023 | Daily Jefferson County Union | Goats transported to Goat Island |
5/27/2021 | Jefferson Chamber of Commerce | Gear Up for Goat Fest |
8/6/2021 | Daily Jefferson County Union | Goat Fest in Jefferson Aug. 14 |
7/7/2019 | WMSN FOX 47 | Community raises money for goats on Goat Island |
6/6/2018 | CBS Detroit | Wisconsin Bartender Hailed Hero; Rescued Goat from Drowning |